9/1 国吉康雄(画家)
Great art doesn’t fall from heaven. It is humanity itself.
9/2 キアヌ・リーブス(俳優)
I don’t want to be part of a world where being kind is a weakness.
9/3 楳図かずお(漫画家)
Paintings and music are things that pragmatic people don’t care about. Maybe the Japanese are realistic in that sense. If we don’t really understand how important things are that are useless, politics and economics alone will eventually lead to blatant war.
9/4 丹下健三(建築家)
Designs of purely arbitrary nature cannot be expected to last long.
9/5 フレディ・マーキュリー(クイーンのボーカル)
As far as I always am honest, have a pain and live for myself, I’d like to enjoy a life greatly.
9/6 槇文彦(建築家)
Ultimately, I approach architecture by thinking about what kind of space will please people.
9/7 ソニー・ロリンズ(ジャズサックス奏者)
Music represents nature. Nature represents life. Jazz represents nature. Jazz is life.
9/8 ヤーコプ・フォン・ユクスキュル(環世界説の生物学者)
We ultimately reach the conclusion that each subject lives in a world composed of subjective realities alone, and that even the Umwelten themselves represent only subjective realities.
9/9 小室直樹(社会学者)
The worse society gets, the more people shine and the work shines.
9/10 ジャレド・ダイアモンド(生物学者)
All human societies go through fads in which they temporarily either adopt practices of little use or else abandon practices of considerable use.
9/11 山之口貘(詩人)
I have always believed that the heart that seeks poetry is the heart that seeks balance, because it is like a heart that wants to scratch when it has an itch, and when it wants to rub it.
9/12 スタニスワフ・レム(ポーランドのSF作歌、小説家)
A writer should not run around with a mirror for his countrymen; he should tell his society and his times things no one ever thought before.
9/13 安藤忠雄(建築家)
No one will ever prepare you for the job you want to do. Of course, if you are given a task, you will do your best to complete it, but when it comes to the work you really need to do, you have no choice but to propose, work on, and create it yourself. It’s interesting to move towards that.
9/14 ポン・ジュノ(映画監督)
I believe that the starting point for a masterpiece comes from seemingly simple things that can be felt by our bodies and hands.
9/15 今村昌平(映画監督)
You don’t need a genius. Don’t be bound by common sense. Have the courage to persistently pursue humanity and run towards the uninhabited vastness.