6月前半 誕生日の偉人と名言

6/1 モーガン・フリーマン(俳優)

 “Finding joy is probably tantamount to finding yourself and being comfortable in your own skin.”


6/2 タピオ・ヴィルカラ(フィンランドのデザイナー)


“All materials have their own unwritten laws… You should never be violent with the material you’re working on, and the designer should aim at being in harmony with his material.”

6/3 アレン・ギンズバーグ(ビート文学の詩人)

Poetry’s role is to provide spontaneous individual candor as distinct from manipulation and brainwash.


6/4 大山倍達(極真会館創始者、空手家)


If the posture of the body is bad, the posture of the face is also bad. It’s a sign of a lack of confidence and focus.

6/5 ルース・ベネディクト(「菊と刀」の著者、文化人類学者)

No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking.


No one culture has ever developed all human potentialities; it has always selected certain capacities, mental and emotional and moral, and stifled others. Each culture is a system of values which may well complement the values in another.


6/6 トーマス・マン(ドイツの小説家、評論家)


A harmful truth is better than a useful lie.

6/7 ポール・ゴーギャン(画家)

A young man who is unable to commit a folly is already an old man


6/8 フランシス・クリック(DNAの二重螺旋構造の発見者のひとり)

The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he’ll fight and die for it.

危険な人とは、たった 1 つのアイデアしか持っていない人です。その場合、その人はそのために戦い、死ぬことになるからです。

6/9 レスター・ポルスファス(ギブソン・レスポールの開発者)

When you just get mixed up & there’s too much going on, then it’s time to pick up your guitar



What I do as best I can is out of a deep respect for children, for how difficult their world is.


6/11 野田弘志(リアリズム絵画の画家)


simple is great

6/12 チック・コリア(ジャズピアニスト、キーボーディスト)

You don’t have to be Picasso or Rembrandt to create something. The fun of it, the joy of creating, is way high above anything else to do with the art form.


6/13 梅棹忠夫(生態学者、民族学者、情報学者)


The important thing in life is to say that you can’t do what you can’t do.

6/14 エルネスト・ゲバラ(革命家)

Everyday people straighten up the hair, why not the heart?


6/15 エリク・H・エリクソン(発達心理学者、精神分析家)

The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others.

