1月後半 誕生日の偉人と名言

1/16 ジョン・カーペンター(映画監督)

There are two different stories in horror: internal and external. In external horror films, the evil comes from the outside, the other tribe, this thing in the darkness that we don’t understand. Internal is the human heart.

ホラーには、内部と外部の 2 つの異なる物語があります。外部のホラー映画では、悪は外部、他の部族、暗闇の中にある私たちには理解できないものからやって来ます。内部とは人間の心です。

1/17 坂本龍一(作曲家、ピアニスト、俳優、音楽プロデューサー)


Don’t forget Fukushima. Please create a Japan without nuclear power plants. Please cooperate with politicians who aim to phase out nuclear power. Please protect the children who are the future of Japan.


An effective way to deal with a stifling society is to “become a recluse, become an outlaw, or go abroad.”


You should decide for yourself where you want to live.


Art is long, life is short.

1/18 ビートたけし(芸人、映画監督、俳優)


If you meet a chef, ask him about cooking, if you meet a driver, about cars, if you meet a priest, ask him anything about the afterlife, without pretending to know anything. It will expand your world a lot more than bragging about things, and above all, it will make the place more fun. Even if you know, just ask.


There are too many businesses that trap poverty within poverty and then circulate money within it. Whether it’s clothes or food, if you only buy things that are on sale, or if you keep queuing up for the cheapest and quickest products, you’ll never move up.


Work hard to come up with ideas and be looked at with a cold eye.

1/19 須賀敦子(イタリア文学者、翻訳家)


Humans do not live to find answers, nor do they live to compete with someone or something. I think we have all been forgetting the basic idea that each of us should aim in the direction we believe in and enrich ourselves.

1/20 関野吉晴(探検家、人類学者、外科医)


There are people who die because they don’t want to cause trouble, but people are born to cause trouble, dare I say it. I think the depth of the connections between people is determined by how much they can tolerate each other’s inconveniences.

1/21 ジャム・マスター・ジェイ(RUN-D.M.C.のDJ)

Believing in something and being a part of something you believe in and watching it work and coming from it.


1/22 網野善彦(歴史学者)


What a new historiography that goes beyond modern historiography should do is to grasp as much as possible the human truth that only the losers know, something that is difficult for the victors to know, and to pave the way to make use of it in the future.

1/23 アントニオ・グラムシ(イタリアの思想家)


The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned.

1/24 ミチオ・カク(理論物理学者)

If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it.


1/25 石ノ森章太郎(漫画家)


Guys, It’s your time when your body moves. Time flies by while you’re thinking about it in your head.

1/26 エドワード・サピア(人類学者、言語学者)

Language is an anonymous, collective and unconscious art; the result of the creativity of thousands of generations.


1/27 フェリックス・キャンデラ(構造家、コントラクター、建築家)


For me the most important part of the composition is the structure. What interests me the most is the expressive potential of structural forms.

1/28 小松左京(SF作家)


In the past, people viewed the world through “regions” or “regional characteristics.” However, an era has already begun in which the majority of people are rediscovering their region through the “world” or “world characteristics.”

1/29 ロマン・ロラン(小説家)

If a man is to shed the light of the sun upon other men, he must first of all have it within himself.


1/30 リチャード・ブローティガン(アメリカの作家、詩人)

All of us have a place in history. Mine is clouds.


1/31 大江健三郎(小説家)


The principle of what I talk about is that adults and children are connected and continue. By connecting to yourself as a child, you are connected to the past, and by connecting to your future children, you are connected to the future, that is, to the entire history of humanity.

