5月後半 誕生日の偉人と名言

5/16 ロバート・フリップ(キングクリムゾンのギタリスト)

The quality of artistry is the capacity to assume innocence at will, the quality of experiencing innocence as if for the first time.


5/17 エリック・サティ(作曲家)


Experience is a form of paralysis.

5/18 ヴォルター・グロピウス(バウハウスの創立者、建築家)

Only work which is the product of inner compulsion can have spiritual meaning.


5/19 西田幾多郎(哲学者)



5/20 ホセ・ムヒカ(元ウルグアイ大統領)


You can’t change the world, but you can change yourself.

5/21 アンリ・ルソー(フランスの素朴派の画家)


From the first moment of life, men ought to begin learning to deserve to live.

5/22 牧野富太郎(植物学者)


By having love for plants, we can cultivate human love. Compassion, I cultivated it in the plants I love, and by watching it rise and fall, I was able to comprehend life itself.

5/23 オットー・リリエンタール(航空パイオニア)

If you decide you wish to try an experiment. first look around you for something that performs it already and observe closely. it may provide you with an excellent hint.

実験してみようと思ったら、まずすでにそれを実行しているものがないか周囲を見回し、注意深く観察してください。 素晴らしいヒントが得られるかもしれません。

5/24 鈴木清順(映画監督・俳優)


Miracles are not born from the weak.

5/25 ビヴァリー・シルズ(アメリカのオペラ歌手)

I can’t be happy every day but I can be cheerful.


5/26 マイルス・デイヴィス(ジャズミュージシャン)


You’ve got to have style in whatever you do — writing, music, painting, fashion, boxing, anything.

5/27 レイチェル・カーソン(生物学者)


The balance of nature is not a status quo; it is fluid, ever shifting, in a constant state of adjustment. Man, too, is part of this balance.ー”Silent Spring”

5/28 「戦場のメリークリスマス」(1983年に日本公開された日)

5/29 ヤニス・クセナキス(現代音楽家、建築家)

Music is not a language. Any musical piece is akin to a boulder with complex forms, with striations and engraved designs atop and within, which men can decipher in a thousand different ways without ever finding the right answer or the best one…


5/30 ベニー・グッドマン(ジャズクラリネット奏者)

Sometimes when you start losing detail, whether it’s in music or in life, something as small as failing to be polite, you start to lose substance.


5/31 クリント・イーストウッド(映画監督・俳優)

Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.

